Annika Lübbert

My background is in cognitive neuroscience, with a focus on relational (participatory) and embodied approaches. Summer 2023 I completed my PhD at the department of Neurophysiology & Pathophysiology, UKE Hamburg, Germany – ever since I work internationally as an independent researcher and trainer.

During my PhD, I used interactive games to investigate social behaviour at multiple levels: can we predict participants’ experience from their personality differences, performance levels and interpersonal movement coordination? How do social experience and interpersonal coordination evolve in time and across game conditions? Which approach best allows us to integrate scientific questions and insight with participant experience?

I also embarked on several collaborative initiatives to implement insights of relational and embodied cognition in our everyday life as researchers: the playful academic presents possibilities to bring embodied exploration and playfulness into academic collaboration, and the enactive research group offers regular events and a network of people invested in bringing forth a more compassionate, generous and collaborative research practice and culture.

This website gives an overview of recent ideas and activities (including publications), presents colourful notes that I take (during meetings or to sort my thoughts), offers supplements to my published work, and points to (some of) the other people involved.

Besides my work as a researcher and trainer, I take care of a garden, like to build furniture, cycle through Europe to visit colleagues, friends and sleep in my hammock. I also enjoy climbing, lying down on the floor, swimming in cold-water – and expect more changes to come next.

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